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Cloud hosted pharmacometrics platform

A Single Platform that Accommodates the Pharmacometrics Toolkit – Challenging But Achievable

  • The current pharmacometric (PMx) toolkit has been expanding with newer tools an capabilities (Figure 1)

  • The existing tools are not necessarily being replaced by the emerging technologies but are rather complemented in some cases.

  • A user may want to employ several tools within a single analysis necessitating an infrastructure that allows utilizing multiple tools in the same computation environment

  • Any system devised must meet regulatory requirements around validation and compliance.

  • Additionally, the setup should allow elastic capacity, parallelization and grid support (e.g. slurm or grid engine).

  • Lastly, its critical to engage stakeholders i.e. non-PMx matrix team members in real time in an interactive system without getting deeply involved in model related technical details (e.g. RSHINY).


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